Daniel (Associate Professor of Semantics Altshuler Associate Professor of Semantics University of Oxford),Robert (Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and English Language Truswell Senior Lecturer in Lingui
Dr Lawrence (Associate Professor and Associate Chair of English Lenhart Northern Arizona University USA),Dr Will (Honors Lecturer Cordeiro Northern Arizona University USA)
Horobin, Simon (Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford)
Joubin, Alexa Alice (Professor of English, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Theatre, East Asian Languages and Literatures, and International Affairs, George Washington University)
Karshan, Thomas (Senior Lecturer in Literature, University of East Anglia),Murphy, Kathryn (Fellow and Tutor in English Literature, Oriel College, and Associate Professor, English Faculty, University
Oziewicz, Dr Marek (Sidney and Marguerite Henry Professor of Children's Literature, University of Minnesota - Twiv Cities, USA),Attebery, Professor Brian (Professor of English, Idaho State University
Preston, Carrie J. (Professor of English and Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Professor of English and Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Boston University)
Prof Helen (Professor Emeritus of Medieval and Renaissance English Cooper Professor Emeritus of Medieval and Renaissance English University of Cambridge)
Professor Saikat (Professor of English and Creative Writing Majumdar Ashoka University India)
Professor or Dr. Simona (Associate Professor of Comparative Humanities Bertacco University of Louisville USA),Professor or Dr. Nicoletta (Associate Professor of English Literature and Cultural Studies
;Conklin Akbari, Suzanne (Professor of English and Medieval Studies, Professor of English and Medieval Studies, University of Toronto),Simpson, James (Douglas P. and Katherine B. Loker Professor Engli
;Kern-Stahler, Annette (Professor and Chair of Medieval English Studies, Professor and Chair of Medieval English Studies, University of Bern),Robertson, Elizabeth (Professor Emerita and Honorary Resea
Alex (Professor of Global Literatures in English Tickell Department of English and Creative Writing Professor of Global Literatures in English Department of English and Creative Writing The Open Unive
Anna (Linden Kent Memorial Professor of English and American Studies Brickhouse Linden Kent Memorial Professor of English and American Studies University of Virginia)
Anthony Hope;Daly, Nicholas (Professor of Modern English and American Literature, at University College Dublin)
Bates, Catherine (Research Professor, Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick),Cheney, Patrick (Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Penn State Un
Belinda (Professor of English and African American Studies Edmondson Professor of English and African American Studies Rutgers University USA)
Ben (Senior Lecturer in English Literature Davies Senior Lecturer in English Literature University of Portsmouth),Christina (Professor of Literary and Cultural Theory Lupton Professor of Literary and
Bingjun (Professor Yang Shanghai Jiao Tong University China),Rui (English lecturer Wang China's Southwest University of Political Science and Law China)
Bullard, Paddy (Associate Professor of English Literature and Book History, Associate Professor of English Literature and Book History, University of Reading)