Maximize your study time with Anatomy: An Essential Textbook, Latin Nomenclature!All labels and anatomic terminology are in Latin nomenclatureA total of 400 review questions with explanatory answers t
Exquisitely illustrated portable anatomical study tool a must-have for medical studentsAnatomy in Your Pocket by Anne Gilroy is based on the award-winning textbook Atlas of Anatomy and the work of Mic
「彩色解剖學圖譜(Atlas of Anatomy)」提供了學習大體解剖學的精華。全書超過2,400張彩色繪圖,從骨骼架構開始循序介紹肌肉、器官、血管和神經,最後再將各部位整合並以全景式繪圖做總結。在各部位繪圖均有明確的標示和說明,並將關鍵的解剖資訊,以表格摘要方式呈現,讓您輕鬆掌握住解剖構造每個細微的環節。書中特意設計的臨床應用專欄,能協助讀者將基礎的解剖學與臨床的應用相呼應;內容編排上更創新地