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2017年以前 (38)

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Colin Renfrew (15)
Colin Renfrew (EDT)/ Paul G. Bahn (EDT) (3)
A. Colin Renfrew/ John F. Cherry (FRW) (2)
Colin Renfrew (EDT)/ Olga Philaniotou (EDT)/ Neil Brodie (EDT)/ giorgos Gavalas (EDT)/ Michael Boyd (EDT) (2)
Colin Renfrew and Paul Bahn (2)
Lambros Malafouris, Colin Renfrew (2)
Paul Bahn/ Colin Renfrew (2)
Colin Renfrew (EDT)/ Chris Frith (EDT)/ Lambros Malafouris (EDT) (1)
Colin Renfrew (EDT)/ Chris Gosden (EDT)/ Elizabeth Demarrais (EDT) (1)
Colin Renfrew (EDT)/ Iain Morley (EDT) (1)
Colin Renfrew (EDT)/ Marissa Marthari (EDT)/ Michael Boyd (EDT) (1)
Colin Renfrew (EDT)/ Olga Philaniotou (EDT)/ Neil Brodie (EDT)/ giorgos Gavalas (EDT)/ Michael J. Boyd (EDT) (1)
Colin Renfrew,Paul Bahn,Elizabeth DeMarrais (1)
Colin Renfrew/ Marija Gimbutas/ Ernestine S. Elster (EDT) (1)
Colin Renfrew/ Paul Bahn (1)
Colin Renfrew/ Paul G. Bahn (1)
Elinor Renfrew/Colin Renfrew (1)
Elizabeth Demarrais (EDT)/ Chris Gosden (EDT)/ Colin Renfrew (EDT) (1)
Ernestine S. Elster (EDT)/ Colin Renfrew (EDT) (1)
Lord Colin Renfrew (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (11)
Thames & Hudsons UK (7)
McDonald Inst of Archeological (6)
David Brown Book Co (5)
Oxbow Books Ltd (4)
Mit Pr (2)
Routledge UK (2)
Thames & Hudson (2)
Univ of New Mexico Pr (2)
Bloomsbury Academic UK (1)
Bloomsbury USA Academic (1)
Left Coast Pr (1)
McDonald Institute Monographs (1)
Modern Library (1)
Orion Publishing Co (1)
Oxford Univ Pr PBKUOXFM (1)
Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (1)
Thames & Hudson Ltd (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Developing a Fashion Collection
作者:Elinor Renfrew; Colin Renfrew  出版社:Bloomsbury Academic UK  出版日:2020/06/11 裝訂:平裝
Fully updated with new interviews and inspiring images, the 2nd edition of Developing a Fashion Collection covers everything the fashion student needs to know before designing their own collections.De
定價:1374 元, 優惠價:9 1237
Figuring It Out
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Thames & Hudsons UK  出版日:2016/10/06 裝訂:平裝
An analysis by a distinguished archaeologist of why the processes of archaeological investigation and discovery that have been paralleled by the installations and art works of many artists, from the b
定價:1097 元, 優惠價:79 867
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Thames & Hudsons UK  裝訂:平裝
Provides coverage of the major developments in archaeological method, science, technology and theory. This title explores new discoveries such as Neanderthal DNA, the Frome Hoard and the Staffordshire
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/10/31 裝訂:精裝
Modern archaeology has amassed considerable evidence for the disposal of the dead through burials, cemeteries and other monuments. Drawing on this body of evidence, this book offers fresh insight into how early human societies conceived of death and the afterlife. The twenty-seven essays in this volume consider the rituals and responses to death in prehistoric societies across the world, from eastern Asia through Europe to the Americas, and from the very earliest times before developed religious beliefs offered scriptural answers to these questions. Compiled and written by leading prehistorians and archaeologists, this volume traces the emergence of death as a concept in early times, as well as a contributing factor to the formation of communities and social hierarchies, and sometimes the creation of divinities.
Ritual, Play and Belief, in Evolution and Early Human Societies
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/06/03 裝訂:平裝
The origins of religion and ritual in humans have been the focus of centuries of thought in archaeology, anthropology, theology, evolutionary psychology and more. Play and ritual have many aspects in common, and ritual is a key component of the early cult practices that underlie the religious systems of the first complex societies in all parts of the world. This book examines the formative cults and the roots of religious practice from the earliest times until the development of early religion in the Near East, in China, in Peru, in Mesoamerica and beyond. Here, leading prehistorians and other specialists bring a fresh approach to the early practices that underlie the faiths and religions of the world. They demonstrate the profound role of play ritual and belief systems and offer powerful new insights into the emergence of early civilization.
定價:1689 元, 優惠價:9 1520
Becoming Human ─ Innovation in Prehistoric Material and Spiritual Culture
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/03/23 裝訂:平裝
The Upper Palaeolithic era of Europe has left an abundance of evidence for symbolic activities, such as direct representations of animals and other features of the natural world, personal adornments, and elaborate burials, as well as other vestiges that are more abstract and cryptic. These behaviours are also exhibited by populations throughout the world, from the prehistoric period through to the present day. How can we interpret these activities? What do they tell us about the beliefs and priorities of the people who carried them out? How do these behaviours relate to ideologies, cosmology, and understanding of the world? What can they tell us about the emergence of ritual and religious thought? And how do the activities of humans in prehistoric Europe compare with those of their predecessors there and elsewhere? In this volume, fifteen internationally renowned scholars contribute essays that explore the relationship between symbolism, spirituality, and humanity in the prehistoric so
定價:2404 元, 優惠價:9 2164
An Island Polity:The Archaeology of Exploitation in Melos
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/01/08 裝訂:平裝
The Greek island of Melos in the Cyclades has been inhabited for at least five thousand years. Two periods of its history are well documented: the late Bronze Age, when it supported an important urban centre at Phylakopi and the late fifth century BC, when as an independent city-state it briefly defied and was then destroyed by the expansionist power of Athens. The case of Melos is thus relevant to the understanding of the processes of early state-formation and of the integration of small-scale societies into larger political units. As the contributors to this volume show, a small island provides a very suitable area - clearly defined, self-contained - in which to examine the processes of social, cultural and economic change and the forces - sometimes gradual and almost imperceptible in their effect, sometimes sudden and dramatic - by which changes are initiated.
定價:2534 元, 優惠價:9 2281
Ranking, Resource and Exchange:Aspect of the Archaeology of Early European Society
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/03/19 裝訂:平裝
Ranked societies are characterized by disparities in personal status that are often accompanied by the concentration of power and authority in the hands of a few dominant individuals. They stand between the sophistication of developed, states and the relative simplicity of most hunter-gatherer groups and early agriculturalists. In some places and times they represented relatively brief phases of transition to more complex forms of organization; in others they existed as stable forms of adaptation for thousands of years. They are thus of great interest for archaeologists seeking to understand the dynamics of cultural evolution.
定價:1494 元, 優惠價:9 1345
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/03/23 裝訂:精裝
The Upper Palaeolithic era of Europe has left an abundance of evidence for symbolic activities, such as direct representations of animals and other features of the natural world, personal adornments, and elaborate burials, as well as other vestiges that are more abstract and cryptic. These behaviours are also exhibited by populations throughout the world, from the prehistoric period through to the present day. How can we interpret these activities? What do they tell us about the beliefs and priorities of the people who carried them out? How do these behaviours relate to ideologies, cosmology, and understanding of the world? What can they tell us about the emergence of ritual and religious thought? And how do the activities of humans in prehistoric Europe compare with those of their predecessors there and elsewhere? In this volume, fifteen internationally renowned scholars contribute essays that explore the relationship between symbolism, spirituality, and humanity in the prehistoric so
Prehistory ─ The Making of the Human Mind
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Modern Library  出版日:2009/08/11 裝訂:平裝
In Prehistory, the award-winning archaeologist and renowned scholar Colin Renfrew covers human existence before the advent of written records–the overwhelming majority of our time here on earth–and gi
定價:800 元, 優惠價:79 632
Loot, Legitimacy and Ownership ─ The Ethical Crisis in Archaeology
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Bloomsbury USA Academic  出版日:2001/04/01 裝訂:平裝
Archaeology is being undermined by clandestine and unpublished digging of archaeological sites for gain. Unless a solution is found to this ethical crisis, our record of the past will be vastly dimini
定價:2157 元, 優惠價:9 1941
Peer Polity Interaction and Socio-political Change
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/06/04 裝訂:平裝
Thirteen leading archaeologists have contributed to this innovative study of the socio-political processes - notably imitation, competition, warfare, and the exchange of material goods and information - that can be observed within early complex societies, particularly those just emerging into statehood. The common aim is to explain the remarkable formal similarities that exist between institutions, ideologies and material remains in a variety of cultures characterised by independent political centres yet to be brought under the control of a single, unified jurisdiction. A major statement of the conceptual approach is followed by ten case studies from a wide variety of times and places, including Minoan Crete, early historic Greece and Japan, the classic Maya, the American Mid - west in the Hopewellian period, Europe in the Early Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, and the British Isles in the late Neolithic.
定價:1429 元, 優惠價:9 1286
The Ancient Mind:Elements of Cognitive Archaeology
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1994/05/26 裝訂:平裝
One of the most troubling problems in archaeology is to determine the manner and content of prehistoric thought. A fundamental challenge is to develop the theory, methodology and tools to understand human cognition. Cognitive archaeology as a subject is still in its infancy, and archaeologists are adopting a variety of approaches. One direction has been to develop an 'interpretationist', anti-scientific, literary approach. Another has been to use a linguistic framework and develop a hermeneutic, semiotic approach. A third approach develops a new direction in prehistoric cognitive research which is rooted in the scientific tradition and in an empirical methodology. It draws upon the cognitive, the mathematical and the computer sciences in an attempt to understand what techniques can be used appropriately on archaeological data, and how to implement them efficiently. This is the approach adopted by the contributors to The Ancient Mind. Together, they begin to develop a science of cogniti
定價:2404 元, 優惠價:9 2164
Figuring It Out
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Thames & Hudsons UK  出版日:2003/03/01 裝訂:精裝
These questions were posed by Paul Gauguin in a famous canvas painted in Tahiti that heralded the beginning of the modernist era. But they are also the questions asked by modern prehistorians in their
定價:1900 元, 優惠價:79 1501
Death Rituals, Social Order and the Archaeology of Immortality in the Ancient World: 'Death Shall Have No Dominion'
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/08/12 裝訂:平裝
Modern archaeology has amassed considerable evidence for the disposal of the dead through burials, cemeteries and other monuments. Drawing on this body of evidence, this book offers fresh insight into how early human societies conceived of death and the afterlife. The twenty-seven essays in this volume consider the rituals and responses to death in prehistoric societies across the world, from eastern Asia through Europe to the Americas, and from the very earliest times before developed religious beliefs offered scriptural answers to these questions. Compiled and written by leading prehistorians and archaeologists, this volume traces the emergence of death as a concept in early times, as well as a contributing factor to the formation of communities and social hierarchies, and sometimes the creation of divinities.
定價:1494 元, 優惠價:9 1345
作者:Colin Renfrew  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/01/31 裝訂:精裝
The origins of religion and ritual in humans have been the focus of centuries of thought in archaeology, anthropology, theology, evolutionary psychology and more. Play and ritual have many aspects in common, and ritual is a key component of the early cult practices that underlie the religious systems of the first complex societies in all parts of the world. This book examines the formative cults and the roots of religious practice from the earliest times until the development of early religion in the Near East, in China, in Peru, in Mesoamerica and beyond. Here, leading prehistorians and other specialists bring a fresh approach to the early practices that underlie the faiths and religions of the world. They demonstrate the profound role of play ritual and belief systems and offer powerful new insights into the emergence of early civilization.
Archaeology Essentials
作者:Paul Bahn; Colin Renfrew  出版社:Thames & Hudson  出版日:2018/11/15 裝訂:平裝
Retaining its hallmark concision and authoritative presentation of the most recent breakthrough discoveries, methods, and interpretations, the Fourth Edition sets a new standard for learning support.
定價:3184 元, 優惠價:79 2515
作者:Lambros Malafouris; Colin Renfrew  出版社:Mit Pr  出版日:2013/07/12 裝訂:精裝
An increasingly influential school of thought in cognitive science views the mind asembodied, extended, and distributed, rather than brain-bound, "all in the head." Thisshift in perspective raises imp
Archaeology Essentials
作者:Colin Renfrew; Paul Bahn  出版社:Thames & Hudsons UK  出版日:2011/04/15 裝訂:平裝
This new brief version of the best-selling textbook was carefully rewritten to provide a readable and compact introduction to archaeology for those new to the field. No other book of this length can m
定價:2698 元, 優惠價:79 2131
作者:Lambros Malafouris; Colin Renfrew  出版社:Mit Pr  出版日:2016/02/12 裝訂:平裝
An increasingly influential school of thought in cognitive science views the mind as embodied, extended, and distributed rather than brain-bound or "all in the head." This shift in perspecti
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