內容簡介本書有別於一般台語聲調書籍,處處充滿巧思創意。作者獨創「自顯式」以數字標註聲調,並以「\」表收尾調,全書逐詞、逐句、逐行標示,展現作者對台語的使命感與用心,全書分五大部分。一、「入門篇」用十課有系統地介紹台語聲調外,並附有作業練習與答案。二、「續進篇」對漢字讀音結構與台語調號數字及「效率化教會羅馬字 SCR」簡介。三、「深入篇」談有關台語的文言音、新舊羅馬字雙向對照、詞性、俚俗語等。四、「概論篇」An Outline of Streamlined Church Romanization for Taiwanese。五、「特寫篇」台語的書寫與漢字的運用,以及台語的「文言」、「白話」、語言簡史。專業推薦書中用「\」標示出收尾調,對學習者非常重要,這是因為收尾調與連後調出現的位置相當難預測,一向是台語音韻學重大的議題。…… 輕聲調用H、M、L來標註,也是老師的發明,尤其對聲調同化尾隨音節(一般稱「隨前變調」)特別有用。——國立清華大學外文系前主任 王旭董老師的音韻系統是他多年研究的結晶,它不僅為台語的學習者提供了寶貴的工具,還為台語的研究帶來了不同的視角。他對台語字詞的發音與變調進行了系統性地整理與解析,使讀者可以輕鬆查詢和理解。這一系統的獨特性在於它的廣度和深度,對於學習者和研究者來說相當有助益。——國立台灣師範大學英語系主任 陳純音
Analyzing how hacks are done, so as to stop them in the futureReverse engineering is the process of analyzing hardware or software and understanding it, without having access to the source code or des
The role of the insular cortex in epilepsy has been largely neglected until very recently. With growing interest in insular epilepsies, this book provides unique, in-depth coverage of the condition from childhood to adulthood. Detailed description of the anatomy, vascularization, connectivity, and functions of the insula along with complete description of the semiology, neurophysiology, and neuroimaging of insular epilepsy helps clinicians better recognize the condition. Up-to-date treatment avenues are explored, guiding the management of patients, including drug-resistant cases suitable for neurosurgery. Authors come from a range of backgrounds, providing a multidisciplinary perspective essential to all health professionals involved in epilepsy diagnosis and treatment. A scratch-off code in the inside cover allow users access to an online equivalent of the book, featuring videos illustrating the semiology of the various forms of insular seizures. This authoritative overview provides