Providing advice to mental health professionals working in Texas, this work is intended to make the professional an "intelligent consumer of legal services," as well as provide a description of the le
As many as one in four adults in the workforce will suffer from psychiatric illness in a given year. Such illness can have serious consequences -- job loss, lawsuits, workplace violence—yet the effect
Forensic psychologists and psychiatrists are increasingly asked to provide expertise to courts and attorneys in the criminal justice system. To do so effectively, they must stay abreast of important a
As many as one in four adults in the workforce will suffer from psychiatric illness in a given year. Such illness can have serious consequences -- job loss, lawsuits, workplace violence--yet the effe
Sales (director of the U. of Arizona's Psychology, Policy, and Law Program) and Shuman (Southern Methodist U. School of Law) evaluate the purposes of the US federal rules of evidence in regard to expe
In their latest collaboration, Clinical Manual of Psychiatry and Law, noted forensic psychiatrist Dr. Robert Simon and legal scholar Daniel Shuman, both recipients of the Guttmacher Award, have create
"Why did the defendant do it?"Mental health professionals are asked to help courts answer this question. To serve justice, the law calls for evidence of the mental state at the time a crime is committ