John M. Wallace (University of Washington),David S. Battisti (University of Washington),David W. J. Thompson (Colorado State University),Dennis L. Hartmann (University of Washington)
William Shakespeare/ John Tobin (EDT)/ Jesse Lander (EDT)/ Ann Thompson (EDT)/ David Scott Kastan (EDT)
The essays in this book - all of them published here for the first time - provide along-overdue critical discussion of Jurgen Habermas's cascade of ideas. These are topped off by afreshet of original
An Illustrated Guide to British Upland Vegetation is the first comprehensive, single book on plant communities in the British uplands. It provides concise descriptions of all currently recognised Brit
King John tells the story of John's struggle to retain the crown in the face of alternative claims to the throne from France and is one of the earlier history plays. The new Arden Third Series edition
Long before their first contact with whites, the Mandan and Hidatsa villagers along the Missouri River in what is now central North Dakota had established a prosperous center for a vast intertribal tr
That theatre is a business remains a truth often ignored by theatre insiders and consumers of the performing arts alike. The essays in Theatre Symposium, Volume 22 explore theatre as a commercial ente