When the famous Anglo-Saxon scholar Ælfric wrote the first grammar in a European vernacular, he used as his direct source the Excerptiones de Prisciano excerpts from major curriculum authors
The Antwerp London Glossaries are eleventh-century descendents of the earliest school text in the English language. In their earliest form they played a central role at the seventh-century school of C
Now in its sixth edition, Skills of Management is widely regarded as one of the leading introductions to core business and management skills for both students and professionals. The thoroughly revise
An introductory text focusing on the core skills of managing people in organisations. Theory is brought to life by lively cases and examples that reveal the reality of management today. Filled with en
The monk Aelfric Bata is the only identifiable graduate of the school of Aelfric `Grammaticus', the tenth-century Anglo-Saxon homilist whose Grammar, Glossary and Colloquyformed part of an educational
To document the natural history and inhabitants of the American West, Prince Maximilian of Wied-Neuwied selected the Swiss artist Karl Bodmer to accompany him on his 1833-34 expedition up the Missouri
Widely regarded as theauthoritative text on development geography, this volume examines the nature and causes of global inequality and critically analyzes contemporary approaches to economic de