;Dunkel, Mario,Schiller, Melanie
Zdziarski, Eugene L.,Dunkel, Norbert W.,Rollo, J. Michael
Amanda Haas/ Erin Dunkel (PHT)
Brian T. Contos/ William P. Crowell/ Colby Derodeff/ Dan Dunkel/ Eric Cole (EDT)
Dirk Van Zyl Smit (EDT)/ Frieder Dunkel (EDT)
Dunkel, Frieder (University of Greifswald, Germany),Pruin, Ineke (University of Bern, Switzerland),Storgaard, Anette (Aarhus University, Denmark),Weber, Jonas
Dunkel, Frieder,Harrendorf, Stefan,van Zyl Smit, Dirk
Edouard Goursat/ Earley Raymond Hedrick (TRN)/ Otto Dunkel (TRN)
Hubner Heinz (EDT)/ Torsten Dunkel (EDT)
Les Crutchfield/ John Dunkel/ Full Cast (NRT)
Mario Dunkel (EDT)/ Emily Petermann (EDT)
Mario Dunkel , Sina A. Nitzsche
Michele Avantario/ Maia Dunkel
Nicola Padfield (EDT)/ Dirk Van Zyl Smit (EDT)/ Frieder Dunkel (EDT)
Patricia A. Dunkel/ Frank Pialorsi