The Indian Ocean remains the least studied of the world's geographic regions. Yet there have been major cultural exchanges across its waters and around its shores from the third millennium B.C.E. to t
You had better not monkey around when it comes to place value. The monkeys in this book can tell you why! As they bake the biggest banana cupcake ever, they need to get the amounts in the recipe corre
"Grab your jumbo popcorn and 3-D glasses, because you're invited to the premiere of a 3-D movie! The star-studded cast of monsters will help you calculate the perimeter of the set, the area of the mov
Demystify geometry with this primer on shapes that will have young builders everywhere on to their next towering project.Comical cats and dogs guide kids through the essential characteristics of squar
A group of young space travelers can’t wait for their pizza party later, but how many hours away is dinner? What are hours anyway?Readers follow along as a loveable crew of kid astronauts and their Ma
以提昇學習樂趣及臨床意義為目標,本書比對了MR、CT、高階影像重建,以及醫學繪畫大師Frank H. Netter, MD. 的精美藝術作品。作為Netter醫師最暢銷《人體解剖學圖譜》的姊妹作,這本《Netter’s簡明放射解剖學》從解剖學出發,比對放射影像與解剖圖像,是一本精準、有如親臨現場的視覺指南,顯示高階診斷造影技術如何作為一種驚人的「解剖工具」,讓讀者能透過本書,從活體患者觀察人體解剖