Smith (psychology, Georgia Southern U.) offers a comprehensive psychodynamic analysis of art and the artist as interpreted by the great minds of psychotherapy including Freud, Adler, Kris, Reich, Jung
This acclaimed work, first published in 1985, presents in full detail, the most effective aspects of bioenergetics, Gestalt therapy, psychomotor therapy, Reichian orgonomy, and many others, are fully
The pagan mythology of the Vikings offers a rich metaphor for consciousness. This book presents the cosmography of Norse mythology as a landscape of human inner life. Each of the nine worlds of this c
Psychotherapy skills can be learned but personhood, a therapist's "depth and richness of being," must be developed according to Smith (psychology, Georgia Southern U.). He provides personal, theoretic
As a therapist, do you ever shake hands with a client? Do you ever lightly touch a client's hand or shoulder as a conversational marker? What happens if you inadvertently touch a client? Nonerotic tou