Economist Herb Stein famously said that something that can't go on forever, won't. For decades now, America has been putting ever-growing amounts of money into its K-12 education system, while getting
Social media giants are poisoning our journalism, our politics, our relationships and ultimately our minds. Glenn Reynolds looks at the up and downsides of social media and at proposals for regulation
The terms "Front-Row Kids" and "Back-Row Kids," coined by the photographer Chris Arnade, describe the divide between the educated upper middle class, who are staying ahead in today's economy, and the
Predicts that the American education system is going to experience a bubble burst, just as the housing market did, and offers advice and solutions for parents, educators and taxpayers on alternatives
For decades, the U.S. invested ever-growing fortunes into its antiquated K-12 education system in exchange for steadily worse outcomes. At the same time, Americans spent more than they could afford on