The institution of the family changed hugely during the course of the twentieth century. In this major new work, Goran Therborn provides a global history and sociology of the family as an institution
A comprehensive history of the development of Marxist theory and the parameters of 21st-century politicsIn this pithy and panoramic work - both stimulating for the specialist and the accessible to the
Few concepts have been so intensively discussed or so widely sponsored as that of “ideology.” Whether read as the expression of social classes or attributed a material independence and efficacy, wheth
If there is one unifying theme to this otherwise diverse collection of nine papers put together by Therborn (sociology, Uppsala U., Sweden), it is the need to recognize that people suffer from inequal
European integration is one of the most ambitious and socially far-reaching developments in world politics and in world economics. Against growing opposition and despite increasing social heterogeneit
In this collection of 12 articles contributors remind readers globalization is not a recent phenomenon born of itself but an outcome of history. They begin with startling commentary on the globalizati
European integration is one of the most ambitious and socially far-reaching developments in world politics and in world economics. Against growing opposition and despite increasing social heterogeneit