【文化節慶管理】(Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation) 一書為知名文化節慶研究學者Rober Palmer與Greg Richards所合著。本書以「歐洲文化之都」(European Capital of Culture, ECOC)此ㄧ在歐洲影響範圍最廣、歷史最悠久的大型文化節慶活動作為主軸,系統性地剖析了歐
Processes of globalisation, economic restructuring and urban redevelopment have placed events at the centre of strategies for change in cities. Events offer the potential to achieve economic, social,
David Max Eichhorn, a Jewish chaplain in the U.S. Army's XV Corps, saw action across France and into Germany until VE-Day and beyond. He was there at the Battle of the Bulge, participated in the liber
Fiendishly difficult and spectacularly beautiful, Pete Dye’s golf courses are among the most exciting in the world. In this volume, 130 were selected to honor his 85th birthday—among them