Embracing the Seasons is a soulful journey through the seasons of a year in a country garden. Gunilla Norris shares her observations of this garden and the surrounding land with its trees and shrubs,
This lyrical primer on the spirituality of gardening reflects on the relationship between a gardener and his or her garden. Meditating upon how interaction with the earth opens the heart, schools the
Deep down our hearts are always longing to embody more awareness, kindness and presence. Here is a little book of heart-full ways to grow. Over time a practice can become an intimate companion on the
The basic principles of meditation and mindful living are explained in this guide for everyday living. The deep and abiding qualities of silence and the foundation of true spiritual experience are exp
While the demands and pace of modern living often prevent many from seeing the transcendent and extraordinary elements in the simple activities and events in life, this beautifully written, lucid, and
"Looking for a spiritual practice simple enough to fit a busy life, yet deep enough to help you grow? 'For ninety consecutive days', writes Gunilla Norris, 'light a match with a purpose, a feeling or
While the demands and pace of modern living often prevent many from seeing the transcendent and extraordinary?elements in the simple activities and events in life, this beautifully written, lucid, and