Inverse problems arise in practical situations such as medical imaging, geophysical exploration, and non-destructive evaluation where measurements made on the exterior of a body are used to determine properties of the inaccessible interior. There have been substantial developments in the mathematical theory of inverse problems, and applications have expanded greatly. In this volume, leading experts in the theoretical and applied aspects of inverse problems offer extended surveys on several important topics in modern inverse problems, such as microlocal analysis, reflection seismology, tomography, inverse scattering, and X-ray transforms. Each article covers a particular topic or topics with an emphasis on accessibility and integration with the whole volume. Thus the collection can be at the same time stimulating to researchers and accessible to graduate students.
Inverse problems lie at the heart of contemporary scientific inquiry and technological development. Applications include a variety of medical and other imaging techniques, which are used for early detection of cancer and pulmonary edema, location of oil and mineral deposits in the Earth's interior, creation of astrophysical images from telescope data, finding cracks and interfaces within materials, shape optimization, model identification in growth processes, and modeling in the life sciences among others. The expository survey essays in this book describe recent developments in inverse problems and imaging, including hybrid or couple-physics methods arising in medical imaging, Calderon's problem and electrical impedance tomography, inverse problems arising in global seismology and oil exploration, inverse spectral problems, and the study of asymptotically hyperbolic spaces. It is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in inverse problems and their applications.
Inverse problems arise in practical situations such as medical imaging, geophysical exploration, and non-destructive evaluation where measurements made on the exterior of a body are used to determine properties of the inaccessible interior. There have been substantial developments in the mathematical theory of inverse problems, and applications have expanded greatly. In this volume, leading experts in the theoretical and applied aspects of inverse problems offer extended surveys on several important topics in modern inverse problems, such as microlocal analysis, reflection seismology, tomography, inverse scattering, and X-ray transforms. Each article covers a particular topic or topics with an emphasis on accessibility and integration with the whole volume. Thus the collection can be at the same time stimulating to researchers and accessible to graduate students.
To meet and adapt to the current and future trends and issues in technology and society, the science committee of The German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP) continues to define futur