This book focuses on how to protect our transportation systems including airports and airlines, water ports, highways, tunnels and bridges, rail and mass transit, and how to better plan evacuation whe
Writing in the wake of the political and social uprisings known as the "Arab Spring" and the restrictive European immigration policies that followed, Hakim Abderrezak contests the co
Writing in the wake of the political and social uprisings known as the "Arab Spring" and the restrictive European immigration policies that followed, Hakim Abderrezak contests the co
This teaching guide accompanies the third edition of the pioneering history of the United States. Like A History of US, this guide is designed as a flexible resource to be used with students at varyi
This teaching guide accompanies the third edition of the pioneering history of the United States. Like A History of US, this guide is designed as a flexible resource to be used with students at varyi
This teaching guide accompanies the third edition of the pioneering history of the United States. Like A History of US, this guide is designed as a flexible resource to be used with students at varyi
This teaching guide accompanies the third edition of the pioneering history of the United States. Like A History of US, this guide is designed as a flexible resource to be used with students at varyi
People call it "post war," but All the People covers a period in U.S. history that features battles of another kind from Cold War combat overseas to struggles for equality at home to learning to live