A Unique Collection of Fairy Tales, Myths, Fables and Other Tales About Frogs A FROG with a crown on its head. A girl kissing a frog. If you pay attention, you'll notice these images appear frequently
The Twelve Dancing Princesses is a fairy tale known under several names such as "The Dancing Shoes," "The Worn-out Shoes," and "The Shoes that Were Danced to Pieces." The
Sleeping Beauty and Snow White are two of the most popular fairy tales of all time and have intrigued readers for centuries. Both have been retold continuously in modern times in novels, poetry, play
A Unique Collection of Fairy Tales, Myths, Legends and Other Tales About Maidens in Towers RAPUNZEL. Just the name conjures up images of long golden hair and tall stone towers. She remains part of our
Beauty and the Beast is inarguably one of the most beloved—if not the most—beloved fairy tale in modern times. While Cinderella is better known, Beauty and the Beast is most often voted the favorite a
Appearing under many different guises, mermaids have a long, varied history dating back many centuries. Our modern day perception of mermaids is primarily based upon the mermaids and merrows of north
The Grateful Dead folktale type can be traced back at least 2,000 years. The tales of earthly rewards received for providing decent burial to the dead are both didactical and entertaining, with some o
Yeh-hsien. Cenerentola. Cendrillon. Ashenputtle. Chernuska. Cinderella. These are just a few of the names of one of the best known and most beloved fairy tale characters in the world. The tale is know