This updated and augmented third edition of this landmark encyclopedia contains approximately 1000 entries dealing in depth with the history of the scientific, technological and medical accomplishment
There is a strong connection between culture and parenting. What is acceptable in one culture is frowned upon in another. This applies to behavior after birth, encouragement in early childhood, and r
Mathematics Across Cultures: A History of Non-Western Mathematics consists of essays dealing with the mathematical knowledge and beliefs of cultures outside the United States and Europe. In additio
There is a strong connection between culture and parenting. What is acceptable in one culture is frowned upon in another. This applies to behavior after birth, encouragement in early childhood, and r
This work deals with the medical knowledge and beliefs of cultures outside of the United States and Europe. In addition to articles surveying Islamic, Chinese, Native American, Aboriginal Australian,
Nineteen essays written by anthropologists, physicians, community health specialists, historians, sociologists, and others address medical knowledge and beliefs of cultures outside the United States a
Different cultures experience happiness differently. Traditionally, the West is considered materialistic, and happiness is said to come from achievement and acquisition. The East is said to be more pe
Childbirth Across Cultures presents birth as a biocultural event, studying management models and rituals surrounding the process from variety of cultures and communities. Power relationships are revea