A Course in GB Syntax is a new kind of linguistics textbook. It presents the fundamental concepts of the Government-Binding approach to syntax in a lecture-dialogue format that conveys the sense of a
The articles collected in this book are concerned with the treatment of anaphora within generative grammar, specifically, within Chomsky's 'Ex tended Standard Theory' (EST). Since the inception of th
Professor Howard Lasnik is one of the world's leading theoretical linguists. He has produced influential and important work in areas such as syntactic theory, logical form, and learnability. This coll
Natural phenomena, including human language, are not just series of events but are organized quasi-periodically; sentences have structure, and that structure matters.Howard Lasnik and Juan Uriagereka “were there” when generative grammar was being developed into the Minimalist Program. In this presentation of the universal aspects of human language as a cognitive phenomenon, they rationally reconstruct syntactic structure. In the process, they touch upon structure dependency and its consequences for learnability, nuanced arguments (including global ones) for structure presupposed in standard linguistic analyses, and a formalism to capture long-range correlations. For practitioners, the authors assess whether “all we need is Merge,” while for outsiders, they summarize what needs to be covered when attempting to have structure “emerge.” Reconstructing the essential history of what is at stake when arguing for sentence scaffolding, the authors cover a range of larger issues, from the
with Marcela Depiante and Arthur StepanovThis book provides an introduction to some classic ideas and analyses of transformational generative grammar, viewed both on their own terms and from a more mo
This major contribution to modern syntactic theory elaborates a principles-and-parameters framework in which the differences and similarities among languages with respect to WH-questions can be captur
with Marcela Depiante and Arthur StepanovThisbook provides an introduction to some classic ideas and analyses of transformational generativegrammar, viewed both on their own terms and from a more mode
This major contribution to modern syntactic theory elaborates aprinciples-and-parameters framework in which the differences and similarities among languages withrespect to WH-questions can be captured