Aim of this book is to provide an account of the structures that are made of functionally graded materials with purpose of customizing the materials with desired purpose. The latter may consist in att
When a structure is put under an increasing compressive load, it becomes unstable and buckling occurs. Buckling is a particularly significant concern in designing shell structures such as aircraft, automobiles, ships, or bridges. This book discusses stability analysis and buckling problems and offers practical tools for dealing with uncertainties that exist in real systems. The techniques are based on two complementary theories which are developed in the text. First, the probabilistic theory of stability is presented, with particular emphasis on reliability. Both theoretical and computational issues are discussed. Secondly, the authors present the alternative to probability based on the notion of 'anti-optimization', a theory that is valid when the necessary information for probabilistic analysis is absent, that is, when only scant data are available. Design engineers, researchers, and graduate students in aerospace, mechanical, marine, and civil engineering who are concerned with iss
This book shows that safety factors are closely related with the reliability of structures, giving yet another demonstration of Albert Einstein's maxim that "It is incomprehensible that Nature is com
When a structure is put under an increasing compressive load, it becomes unstable and buckling occurs. Buckling is a particularly significant concern in designing shell structures such as aircraft, automobiles, ships, or bridges. This book discusses stability analysis and buckling problems and offers practical tools for dealing with uncertainties that exist in real systems. The techniques are based on two complementary theories which are developed in the text. First, the probabilistic theory of stability is presented, with particular emphasis on reliability. Both theoretical and computational issues are discussed. Secondly, the authors present the alternative to probability based on the notion of 'anti-optimization', a theory that is valid when the necessary information for probabilistic analysis is absent, that is, when only scant data are available. Design engineers, researchers, and graduate students in aerospace, mechanical, marine, and civil engineering who are concerned with iss
Well-written introduction covers the elements of the theory of probability from two or more random variables, the reliability of such multivariable structures, the theory of random function, Monte Car
The first edition of the combined monograph and textbook Probabilistic Methods in the Theory of Structures was published by Wiley-Interscience in 1983. 1n 1999, Dover Publications, Inc. published its
The refined theory of beams, which takes into account both rotary inertia and shear deformation, was developed jointly by Timoshenko and Ehrenfest in the years 1911–1912. In over a century since the t
The first edition of the combined monograph and textbook Probabilistic Methods in the Theory of Structures was published by Wiley-Interscience in 1983. 1n 1999, Dover Publications, Inc. published its
The first edition of this book appeared over three decades ago (Wiley-Interscience, 1983), whereas the second one saw light on the verge of new millennium (Dover, 1999). This is third, corrected and e
There have been stability theories developed for beams, plates and shells — the most significant elements in mechanical, aerospace, ocean and marine engineering. For beams and plates, the theoretical
The engineering community generally accepts that there exists only a small set of closed-form solutions for simple cases of bars, beams, columns, and plates. Despite the advances in powerful computing
The first edition of this book appeared over three decades ago (Wiley-Interscience, 1983), whereas the second one saw light on the verge of new millennium (Dover, 1999). This is third, corrected and e
Table of contents: Stochastic methods in nonlinear structural dynamics.- Stochastic models of uncertainties in computational structural dynamics and structural acoustics.- The tale of stochastic linea