Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2008 一本真正完整涵蓋標準C++與C++/CLI的王牌書!! 透過本書學習Visual C++ 2008,不僅可以真正的了解C++程式語言的基本概念,而且也知道如何撰寫Microsoft Windows的應用程式。首先,我們會論及標準的C++,及如何利用Microsoft Foundation Classes
The leading author of programming tutorials for beginners introduces you to Visual C++ 2010 Ivor Horton is the preeminent author of introductory programming language tutorials; previous editions of h
Using the C++ Standard Template Libraries is a contemporary treatment that teaches the generic programming capabilities that the C++ 14 Standard Library provides. In th
Now available in paperback—With Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition, you'll come to understand the fundamentals of the C language and learn how to program. All you need is this bo
讓權威作者引領您學習Visual C++ 2012Ivor Horton所撰寫的書籍能獲得長久好評的原因是:以獨特與易於理解的講授方式,讓初學者與有經驗的程式設計師皆能有所獲益。本書內容針對標準C++及Visual C++ 2012提供完整的更新與介紹,以精心設計的程式練習題、有效用的範例以及清晰的解答,逐步指引您學習C++程式設計的相關細節,最終您將可完全理解如何使用Visual C++ 201