Earl K. Stice, James D. Stice, W. Steve Albrecht, Monte R. Swain, Rong-Ruey Duh, Audrey Wenhsin Hsu
James Swain/ Peter Jay Fernandez (NRT)
James Swain/ Stephen R. Thorne (NRT)
Allen, Michael (John Dyer Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology, John Dyer Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary),Swain, Scott R. (President and James Woodrow Has
James P. Lantolf (EDT)/ Matthew E. Poehner (EDT)/ Merrill Swain (EDT)
W. Steve Albrecht/ Earl K. Stice/ James D. Stice/ Monte R. Swain Ph.D.
W. Steve Albrecht/ James D. Stice/ Earl K. Stice/ Monte R. Swain Ph.D.