DescriptionThe Workplace Success series prepares students for working in an English-speaking job environment. All four English skills-reading, listening, speaking and writing-are included in each unit
The Writing Kit series prepares students for a wide variety of English writing tasks using a step-by-step method. There are four books designed for primary school students to develop their writing ski
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DescriptionThe Workplace Success series prepares students for working in an English-speaking job environment. All four English skills-reading, listening, speaking and writing-are included in each unit
DescriptionThe Workplace Success series prepares students for working in an English-speaking job environment. All four English skills-reading, listening, speaking and writing-are included in each unit
DescriptionThe Writing Kit series prepares students for a wide variety of English writing tasks using a step-by-step method. There are four books designed for primary school students to develop their
DescriptionThe Writing Kit series prepares students for a wide variety of English writing tasks using a step-by-step method. There are four books designed for primary school students to develop their
DescriptionThe Writing Kit series prepares students for a wide variety of English writing tasks using a step-by-step method. There are four books designed for primary school students to develop their
2018年TOEIC新制考題推薦用書 課本音檔goolgle paly搜尋iCrane免費下載Developed to help low-intermediate to advanced learners improve their English listening ability and help them prepare for standardized tests such as the
DescriptionNEW Listening Advantage 3New Listening Advantage is a four-level, strategies-based course designed to improve listening skills through the use of activities and topics that are meaningful t