Unique, practical resource helps teachers, counselors, and youth leaders bring students together to talk openly about important issues in their lives. In our digital era, young people need a safe, sup
Updated, practical resource helps teachers, counselors, and youth leaders bring gifted students together to talk face-to-face about important issues in their lives.In our digital era, young people nee
All young people need a safe, supportive place to “just talk” with caring peers and an attentive adult. Talk with Teens About What Matters to Them by Jean Sunde Peterson, Ph.D., has been tested with t
All young people need a safe, supportive place to “just talk” with caring peers and an attentive adult. Tested with thousands of teens in many kinds of schools (plus community centers, ch
Like other kids their age, highly capable adolescents experience developmental challenges. They’re forging identity, finding direction, exploring relationships, and learning to resolve conflict
Models of Counseling Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults is a unique resource for practitioners and educators interested in counseling gifted and talented individuals. In this groundbreakin
"Drs. Susannah Wood and Jean Peterson have combined forces to move the field of school counseling forward in its work on behalf of gifted students… This subtle regularizing into appropriate school cou