New reading series brings foreign language acquisition into the 21st centuryWhile the world produces more and more reading material each year, from magazines to newspapers to websites, why are most la
A book-and-CD program povides pronuncation exercises that emphasize speaking, sound discrimination, and standard intonation patterns in American-style English.
Talk with your Spanish-speaking employees--no prior knowledge of Spanish needed!Perfect Phrases in Spanish for Household Maintenance and Child Care gives you more than 500 vital words and phrases spec
Speak with your Spanish-speaking employees--no prior knowledge of Spanish needed!Perfect Phrases in Spanish for the Hotel and Restaurant Industries gives you more than 500 vital words and phrases spec
Hundreds of English words to get you speaking in your new language with confidence--now! Practice Makes Perfect: English Vocabulary for Beginning ESL Learners introduces you to hundreds of essential
The go-to guide for learning and reinforcing American English vocabulary for beginning ESL learners--now enhanced with audio recordings through the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app Now enhanced with audio
Sharpen your Spanish language skills through readings about its speakers' daily lives and culture Better Reading Spanish offers you entertaining, "real world" texts to help you understand and learn mo
Perfect the Art of Conversation in Spanish! Nervous that you’re not ready to strike up a conversation with a native Spanish speaker? This book helps you overcome that obstacle and before you know it,
This updated language program includes three audio CDs, which replace the previous edition's tape cassettes. Focus is on correct pronunciation of Spanish words and phrases so that the speaker can be
Though written primarily for students of English as a Second Language, The Ins and Outs of Prepositions is also useful in remedial English courses on high school and college freshman levels. Unlike m
The newly enlarged and updated edition of this useful book for ESL students covers all the fundamentals of English grammar and usage, including parts of speech and typical verb patterns in sentences.
Revised and updated, this self-teaching book covers the fundamentals of English grammar for Hispanic students who have intermediate-to-advanced knowledge of English. The text deftly deals with parts
Written primarily to help students of English as a Second Language improve their fluency and do well on standardized tests such as the TOEFL and IELTS, the new edition of Master the Basics: English--C
ESL students, TOEFL and TOEIC test takers, and all others for whom English is a second language and who want to improve their pronunciation will find this book and compact disc combination especially
This volume, aimed mainly at students of English as a Second Language, covers virtually all the basics of English grammar, including parts of speech, typical verb patterns in English usage, and common