The Boys of Seelow tells the story of a group of friends growing up in rural Nazi Germany. Blaz Senft is a single child who spends all his free time with his best friends, Koby Hertz, Ivo Klein, Jarman Knecht, and Erich Meyer. When Adolf Hitler declares war on Poland and Germany drawn into war with the Allies, the boys' lives are changed forever. Blaz's best friend Koby is immediately suspicious of his government's motives when the war breaks out, but his skepticism is hardly shared by his friends. The boys are conscripted into the Hitler Youth, which, at first, appears to be fun and games. As the war demands more of the Reich, the boys begin to play a more active role in the war effort. Koby is thrust into a position of leadership over his friends when they are called up to the Wehrmacht to fight in the abysmal conditions on the Eastern Front where they will fight for their country, their friends, their sanity, and their lives.