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John Witte, Jr (10)
John Witte, Jr. (6)
Jr. &#65289 小 (john Witte (4)
John Witte Jr (2)
John Witte Jr. (2)
John Witte Jr. (EDT)/ Frank S. Alexander (EDT)/ Russell Hittinger (INT) (2)
John Witte Jr. (EDT)/ M. Christian Green (EDT) (2)
John Witte Jr.(EDI) (2)
Domingo, Rafael,Witte, Jr., John (1)
Don S. Browning (EDT)/ M. Christian Green (EDT)/ John Witte Jr. (EDT) (1)
Hill, Mark,Doe, Norman,Helmholz, R H,Witte, Jr, John (1)
John Witte Jr(EDI) (1)
John Witte Jr. (EDT)/ Amy Wheeler (EDT) (1)
John Witte Jr. (EDT)/ Frank S. Alexander (EDT)/ Mark A. Knoll (INT) (1)
John Witte Jr. (EDT)/ Frank S. Alexander (EDT)/ Paul Valliere (INT) (1)
John Witte Jr. (EDT)/ M. Christian Green (EDT)/ Amy Wheeler (EDT) (1)
John Witte Jr./ Joel A. Nichols (1)
John Witte Jr./ Prof. Joel A. Nichols (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (16)
Columbia Univ Pr (5)
Eerdmans Pub Co (2)
Oxford Univ Pr (2)
Westminster John Knox Pr (2)
Oxford Univ Pr on Demand (1)
Oxford Univ Press USA (1)
Routledge (1)
Westview Pr (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Church, State, and Family:Reconciling Traditional Teachings and Modern Liberties
作者:John Witte; Jr.  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/05/13 裝訂:平裝
This book defends the fundamental place of the marital family in modern liberal societies. While applauding modern sexual freedoms, John Witte, Jr also defends the traditional Western teaching that the marital family is an essential cradle of conscience, chrysalis of care, and cornerstone of ordered liberty. He thus urges churches, states, and other social institutions to protect and promote the marital family. He encourages reticent churches to embrace the rights of women and children, as Christians have long taught, and encourages modern states to promote responsible sexual freedom and family relations, as liberals have long said. He counsels modern churches and states to share in family law governance, and to resist recent efforts to privatize, abolish, or radically expand the marital family sphere. Witte also invites fellow citizens to end their bitter battles over same-sex marriage and tend to the vast family field that urgently needs concerted attention and action.
定價:1819 元, 優惠價:9 1637
From Sacrament to Contract ─ Marriage, Religion, and Law in the Western Tradition
作者:John Witte Jr.  出版社:Westminster John Knox Pr  出版日:2012/01/31 裝訂:平裝
This newly revised and enlarged edition of John Witte's authoritative historical study explores the interplay of law, theology, and marriage in the Western tradition. Witte uncovers the core beliefs t
定價:1900 元, 優惠價:1 1900
God's Joust, God's Justice: Law and Religion in Western Tradition
作者:John Witte Jr.  出版社:Eerdmans Pub Co  出版日:2006/10/30 裝訂:平裝
As players in the drama of human society, we are only dimly aware of the whole sweep of the story. While savage excess occasionally prevails, we still struggle to reflect God's image and order in our
定價:1691 元, 優惠價:79 1336
作者:John Witte Jr  出版社:BRILL NIJHOFF  出版日:2023/09/28 裝訂:平裝
作者:John Witte; Jr  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/04/30 裝訂:精裝
For more than 2,500 years, the Western tradition has embraced monogamous marriage as an essential institution for the flourishing of men and women, parents and children, society and the state. At the same time, polygamy has been considered a serious crime that harms wives and children, correlates with sundry other crimes and abuses, and threatens good citizenship and political stability. The West has thus long punished all manner of plural marriages and denounced the polygamous teachings of selected Jews, Muslims, Anabaptists, Mormons, and others. John Witte, Jr carefully documents the Western case for monogamy over polygamy from antiquity until today. He analyzes the historical claims that polygamy is biblical, natural, and useful alongside modern claims that anti-polygamy laws violate personal and religious freedom. While giving the pro and con arguments a full hearing, Witte concludes that the Western historical case against polygamy remains compelling and urges Western nations to
The Western Case for Monogamy over Polygamy
作者:John Witte; Jr  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/04/30 裝訂:平裝
For more than 2,500 years, the Western tradition has embraced monogamous marriage as an essential institution for the flourishing of men and women, parents and children, society and the state. At the same time, polygamy has been considered a serious crime that harms wives and children, correlates with sundry other crimes and abuses, and threatens good citizenship and political stability. The West has thus long punished all manner of plural marriages and denounced the polygamous teachings of selected Jews, Muslims, Anabaptists, Mormons, and others. John Witte, Jr carefully documents the Western case for monogamy over polygamy from antiquity until today. He analyzes the historical claims that polygamy is biblical, natural, and useful alongside modern claims that anti-polygamy laws violate personal and religious freedom. While giving the pro and con arguments a full hearing, Witte concludes that the Western historical case against polygamy remains compelling and urges Western nations to
定價:2599 元, 優惠價:9 2339
作者:John Witte; Jr.  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/11/30 裝訂:精裝
This book defends the fundamental place of the marital family in modern liberal societies. While applauding modern sexual freedoms, John Witte, Jr also defends the traditional Western teaching that the marital family is an essential cradle of conscience, chrysalis of care, and cornerstone of ordered liberty. He thus urges churches, states, and other social institutions to protect and promote the marital family. He encourages reticent churches to embrace the rights of women and children, as Christians have long taught, and encourages modern states to promote responsible sexual freedom and family relations, as liberals have long said. He counsels modern churches and states to share in family law governance, and to resist recent efforts to privatize, abolish, or radically expand the marital family sphere. Witte also invites fellow citizens to end their bitter battles over same-sex marriage and tend to the vast family field that urgently needs concerted attention and action.
Christianity and Human Rights ─ An Introduction
作者:John Witte; Jr  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/01/31 裝訂:平裝
Combining Jewish, Greek, and Roman teachings with the radical new teachings of Christ and St. Paul, Christianity helped to cultivate the cardinal ideas of dignity, equality, liberty and democracy that ground the modern human rights paradigm. Christianity also helped shape the law of public, private, penal, and procedural rights that anchor modern legal systems in the West and beyond. This collection of essays explores these Christian contributions to human rights through the perspectives of jurisprudence, theology, philosophy and history, and Christian contributions to the special rights claims of women, children, nature and the environment. The authors also address the church's own problems and failings with maintaining human rights ideals. With contributions from leading scholars, including a foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, this book provides an authoritative treatment of how Christianity shaped human rights in the past, and how Christianity and human rights continue to challeng
定價:1754 元, 優惠價:9 1579
作者:John Witte; Jr  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/01/31 裝訂:精裝
Combining Jewish, Greek, and Roman teachings with the radical new teachings of Christ and St. Paul, Christianity helped to cultivate the cardinal ideas of dignity, equality, liberty and democracy that ground the modern human rights paradigm. Christianity also helped shape the law of public, private, penal, and procedural rights that anchor modern legal systems in the West and beyond. This collection of essays explores these Christian contributions to human rights through the perspectives of jurisprudence, theology, philosophy and history, and Christian contributions to the special rights claims of women, children, nature and the environment. The authors also address the church's own problems and failings with maintaining human rights ideals. With contributions from leading scholars, including a foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, this book provides an authoritative treatment of how Christianity shaped human rights in the past, and how Christianity and human rights continue to challeng
作者:John Witte; Jr  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2017/09/30 裝訂:精裝
The Western tradition has always cherished the family as an essential foundation of a just and orderly society, and thus accorded it special legal and religious protection. Christianity embraced this teaching from the start, and many of the basics of Western family law were shaped by the Christian theologies of nature, sacrament, and covenant. This volume introduces readers to the enduring and evolving Christian norms and teachings on betrothals and weddings; marriage and divorce; women's and children's rights; marital property and inheritance; and human sexuality and intimate relationships. The chapters are authoritatively written but accessible to college and graduate students and scholars, as well as clergy and laity. While alert to the hot button issues of sexual liberty today, the contributing authors let the historical figures speak for themselves about what Christianity has and can contribute to the protection and guidance of our most intimate association.
The Reformation of Rights ─ Law, Religion and Human Rights in Early Modern Calvinism
作者:John Witte; Jr  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/02/04 裝訂:平裝
John Calvin developed arresting new teachings on rights and liberties, church and state, and religion and politics that shaped the law of Protestant lands. Calvin's original teachings were periodically challenged by major crises - the French Wars of Religion, Dutch Revolt, the English Civil War, American colonization, and American Revolution. In each such crisis moment, a major Calvinist figure emerged - Theodore Beza, Johannes Althusius, John Milton, John Winthrop, John Adams, and others - who modernized Calvin's teachings and translated them into dramatic new legal and political reforms. This rendered early modern Calvinism one of the driving engines of Western constitutionalism. A number of basic Western laws on religious and political rights, social and confessional pluralism, federalism and constitutionalism, and more owe a great deal to this religious movement. This book is essential reading for scholars and students of history, law, religion, politics, ethics, human rights, and
定價:2144 元, 優惠價:9 1930
The Sins of the Fathers:The Law and Theology of Illegitimacy Reconsidered
作者:John Witte; Jr  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/04/27 裝訂:平裝
For nearly two millennia, Western law visited the sins of fathers and mothers upon their illegitimate children, subjecting them to systematic discrimination and deprivation. The graver the sins of their parents, the further these children fell in social standing and legal protection. While some reformers have sought to better the plight of illegitimate children, only in recent decades has illegitimacy lost its full legal sting. Yet the social, economic, and psychological costs of illegitimacy still remain high even in the liberal, affluent West. John Witte analyzes and critiques the shifting historical law and theology of illegitimacy. This doctrine, he argues, misinterprets basic biblical teachings on individual accountability and Christian community. It also betrays basic democratic principles of equality, dignity, and natural rights of all. There are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate parents, Witte concludes, and he presses for the protection and rights of all children
定價:1819 元, 優惠價:9 1637
The Sins of the Fathers:The Law and Theology of Illegitimacy Reconsidered
作者:John Witte; Jr  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/04/27 裝訂:精裝
For nearly two millennia, Western law visited the sins of fathers and mothers upon their illegitimate children, subjecting them to systematic discrimination and deprivation. The graver the sins of their parents, the further these children fell in social standing and legal protection. While some reformers have sought to better the plight of illegitimate children, only in recent decades has illegitimacy lost its full legal sting. Yet the social, economic, and psychological costs of illegitimacy still remain high even in the liberal, affluent West. John Witte analyzes and critiques the shifting historical law and theology of illegitimacy. This doctrine, he argues, misinterprets basic biblical teachings on individual accountability and Christian community. It also betrays basic democratic principles of equality, dignity, and natural rights of all. There are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate parents, Witte concludes, and he presses for the protection and rights of all children
定價:3314 元, 優惠價:9 2983
The Impact of the Law
作者:John Witte Jr.(EDI)  出版社:WIPF & STOCK PUBL  出版日:2022/07/28 裝訂:精裝
定價:2090 元, 優惠價:1 2090
The Impact of the Family
作者:John Witte Jr.(EDI)  出版社:WIPF & STOCK PUBL  出版日:2022/07/28 裝訂:精裝
定價:2508 元, 優惠價:1 2508
Christianity and Law:An Introduction
作者:John Witte; Jr.  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/06/02 裝訂:平裝
What impact has Christianity had on the law from its beginnings to the present day? This introduction explores the main legal teachings of Western Christianity, set out in the texts and traditions of scripture and theology, philosophy and jurisprudence. It takes up the weightier matters of the law that Christianity has profoundly shaped - justice and mercy, rule and equity, discipline and love - as well as more technical topics of canon law, natural law, and state law. Some of these legal creations were wholly original to Christianity. Others were converted from Jewish and classical traditions. Still others were reformed by Renaissance humanists and Enlightenment philosophers. But whether original or reformed, these Christian teachings on law, politics and society have made and can continue to make fundamental contributions to modern law in the West and beyond.
定價:2144 元, 優惠價:9 1930
Christianity and Law:An Introduction
作者:John Witte; Jr.  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/06/02 裝訂:精裝
What impact has Christianity had on the law from its beginnings to the present day? This introduction explores the main legal teachings of Western Christianity, set out in the texts and traditions of scripture and theology, philosophy and jurisprudence. It takes up the weightier matters of the law that Christianity has profoundly shaped - justice and mercy, rule and equity, discipline and love - as well as more technical topics of canon law, natural law, and state law. Some of these legal creations were wholly original to Christianity. Others were converted from Jewish and classical traditions. Still others were reformed by Renaissance humanists and Enlightenment philosophers. But whether original or reformed, these Christian teachings on law, politics and society have made and can continue to make fundamental contributions to modern law in the West and beyond.
定價:3639 元, 優惠價:9 3275
The Reformation of Rights:Law, Religion and Human Rights in Early Modern Calvinism
作者:John Witte; Jr  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/02/04 裝訂:精裝
John Calvin developed arresting new teachings on rights and liberties, church and state, and religion and politics that shaped the law of Protestant lands. Calvin's original teachings were periodically challenged by major crises - the French Wars of Religion, Dutch Revolt, the English Civil War, American colonization, and American Revolution. In each such crisis moment, a major Calvinist figure emerged - Theodore Beza, Johannes Althusius, John Milton, John Winthrop, John Adams, and others - who modernized Calvin's teachings and translated them into dramatic new legal and political reforms. This rendered early modern Calvinism one of the driving engines of Western constitutionalism. A number of basic Western laws on religious and political rights, social and confessional pluralism, federalism and constitutionalism, and more owe a great deal to this religious movement. This book is essential reading for scholars and students of history, law, religion, politics, ethics, human rights, and
定價:3639 元, 優惠價:9 3275
作者:John Witte Jr  出版社:BRILL NIJHOFF  出版日:2023/03/30 裝訂:平裝
作者:John Witte Jr(EDI)  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr  出版日:2023/12/04 裝訂:精裝
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