Social upheaval in early 20th-century Europe is the historical setting for this seminal study by the Spanish philosopher, Jos? Ortega y Gasset. Continuously in print since 1932, Ortega's vision of We
No work of Spanish philosopher and essayist JosAc Ortega y Gasset has been more frequently cited, admired, or criticized than his defense of modernism, "The Dehumanization of Art." In the essay, orig
"Jose Ortega y Gasset identifies two kinds of activity serving human advancement: on the one hand, a vital, creative profligacy that generates multiple possibilities; on the other, a utilitarian mecha
As the editor, Paulino Garagorri, points out, the text here translated was essentially a transcription of two cycles of lectures that Ortega gave. Clearly they were delivered, as was his custom, from
A classic work on radical aesthetics by one of the great philosophers of the early twentieth century No work of philosopher and essayist Jose Ortega y Gasset has been more frequently cited, admired, o
In Meditations on Quixote, Jose Ortega y Gasset presents a powerful case for integrating literature into experience. Through a series of "essays in intellectual love," Ortega explores the aim of philo
Garcfa-G=mez (philosophy, emeritus, Long Island University) translates work by the Spanish essayist and philosopher, Ortega Y Gassett (1883-1955). Appearing in English for the first time, this book co