Unfair mythologies about English language learners have sprung up in schools around the country. Unsure how to help nonnative speakers write, some teachers and administrators have resorted to deficit-
A lot has changed since the first edition of "Myths and Realities," yet the trends in education are as undeniable as they were then: English language learners (ELLs) constitute the fastest growing pop
This book provides situations and issues that teachers may encounter when working with ELLs, and offers grade-level appropriate solutions, teaching approaches, and activities to address them. Each ch
This book provides situations and issues that teachers may encounter when working with ELLs, and offers grade-level appropriate solutions, teaching approaches, and activities to address them. Each ch
In an effort to reverse the purported crisis in U.S. public schools, the federal government, states, districts have mandated policies that favor standardized approaches to teaching and assessment. As