Each year, the Ushiromiya family gathers at the secluded mansion of its patriarch, the elderly Kinzo. It has been six years since Battler joined his cousins at the annual event, but their happy reunio
Each year, the Ushiromiya family gathers at the secluded mansion of its patriarch, the elderly Kinzo. It has been six years since Battler joined his cousins at the annual event, but their happy reunio
When Eva successfully solves Beatrice's riddle, she claims the role of "Beatrice the Golden Witch" in addition to the witch's gold, with nine nights of sacrifices left.
Battler Ushiromiya's defenses against Beatrice the witch are weakening, and as more players are drawn into the witch's game, the other members of the Ushiromiya family must try to solve her riddle.
As Beatrice, the Golden Witch, turns her attention to selecting victims for the second night, she matches wits with Battler, who is trying to find an explanation for the deaths.
A closed-circle mystery from the creator of the New York Times bestselling Higurashi WHEN THEY CRY! With help from the witch Beatrice, Shannon has enjoyed a budding romance with George Ushiromiya, he
The curtains rise for the final act of the twisted tale of the Golden Witch, Beatrice. What secrets will be uncovered as the story draws to a close? And will the truth bring long-deserved peace to the
"In this 5th game, you've all become accomplices, haven't you?"Ushiromiya Ange comes close to uncovering the truth. The Kakera, which holds infinite possibilities, threatens to tear Rokkenjima asunder