James (religious studies, DePauw U., Indiana) redirects ecumenism from its recent concern with social issues to its theological roots by comparing liberation theology in Catholic and Protestant denomi
"This work examines fantasy fiction, literal and figurative in fantastic film adaptation. Essays focus on movies and transformation and literal translation from text to film in the Lord of the Rings s
No American television show of the past decade has been vilified as has Comedy Central's South Park. This is the show that has featured, in turn, a nine-year-old boy enmeshed in an affair with Ben Af
"These essays explore the politics of representation and the clash of progressive and regressive social agendas in television. The work places emphasis on the search for a space for gays, lesbians, bi
This collection of essays addresses the use of Shakespearean narratives, themes, imagery, and characterizations in non-Shakespearean cinema. The essays explore how Shakespeare and his work are manipul
This book presents an advanced examination of psychological testing and usage in the child custody arena. It addresses test selection issues, provides insightful discussions of how to confront confir
Measurements with persons are those in which human perception and interpretation are used for measuring complex, holistic quantities and qualities, which are perceived by the human brain and mind. Pro