This very approachable book prepares third graders in New York State for the required math exam. The author explains the testA's format in terms that younger students can understand, and then devotes
This updated manual prepares third graders in New York State for the required statewide math test with: Two full-length practice tests with answer explanations The math test explained for third gr
Prepares New York fourth graders to take the state Regents exam by providing an overview of the test, practice questions with answers, a review of the test's subject matter, and two full-length practi
Young students learn to comprehend the many uses of numbers as they engage in number games and fun-to-solve puzzles. Starting with counting, they advance to arithmetic, fractions, decimals, and the d
Updated to reflect the most recent tests, this manual reviews all New York State prescribed fourth-grade-level math topics, including lines, angles, and figures; numbers, fractions, and per cents; op