Millions of people have elevated blood levels of cholesterol, a major risk factor for coronary heart disease. Yet many supplements and foods can effectively - and safely - reduce cholesterol levels. T
Describes the most common supplemental medicinal mushrooms and their best clinical uses which includes treatment for hepatitis, cancer, and restoring the competency of the immune system.
Now in paperback: A thorough, cutting-edge, alternative therapy-focused exploration of Integrative Oncology care.With approximately 40 percent of men and women in the United States being diagnosed wit
An updated and revised edition-from "a leader in the new wave of true healers". From fast-acting natural cures for arthritis, viruses, and hardened arteries, to fatigue, burns and injuries and more,
Describes the most common supplemental medicinal mushrooms and their best clinical uses which includes treatment for hepatitis, cancer, and restoring the competency of the immune system.
Maitake mushrooms have long been prized in Japan for their medicinal properties. For maintaining immunity and healing a variety of acute conditions, maitake mushrooms are highly versatile and highly e
Cult Shock is an apologetic resource that teaches Christians how to defend their faith and evangelize Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. It explains the beliefs of these groups and how Biblical Christia
A naturopathic physician provides a definitive guide to one hundred on the most popular natural therapies available, furnishing information on how to use each remedy effectively and safely for optimal
Hundreds of thousands of readers have relied on Prescription for Natural Cures as the source for accurate, easy-to-understand information on natural treatments and remedies for a host of common ailmen
Hundreds of thousands of readers have relied on Prescription for Natural Cures as the source for accurate, easy-to-understand information on natural treatments and remedies for a host of common ailmen