Finding Your Online Voice offers a thought-provoking discussion of innovative approaches to technology-based distance education. Editor J. MichaelSpector focuses on how highly experienced teachers co
An ideal textbook for masters, doctoral, or educational specialist certificate programs, Foundations of Educational Technology offers a fresh, project-centered approach to the subject, helping student
An ideal textbook for masters, doctoral, or educational specialist certificate programs, Foundations of Educational Technology offers a fresh, project-centered approach to the subject, helping student
An engaging book for professional educators and an ideal textbook for certificate, masters, and doctoral programs in educational technology, instructional systems and learning design,Foundations of Ed
An engaging book for professional educators and an ideal textbook for certificate, masters, and doctoral programs in educational technology, instructional systems and learning design,Foundations of Ed
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology examines information on leveraging the power of technology to support teaching and learning. While using innovative technology to educate individuals is
There are two distinct professional communities which share an interest in using innovative approaches and emerging technologies to design and implement effective support for learning. This edited col
There are two distinct professional communities which share an interest in using innovative approaches and emerging technologies to design and implement effective support for learning. This edited col
Motivation, Learning, and Technology is a fresh, thorough, and practical introduction to motivational research, theories, and applications for learning and instruction. Written for both instructional
Managing and Supporting Instructional Design and Development is a practical guide to managing multiple levels of instructional design activities, based upon management concept and application as well
Managing and Supporting Instructional Design and Development is a practical guide to managing multiple levels of instructional design activities, based upon management concept and application as well
This book presents a challenging and multi-faceted research project that required state-of-the-art methodological approaches. The project involved analyzing data collected from 10,000 research article
The basic assumption of this book is that the organization of a negotiation process matters. The global negotiations on climate change involve over 180 countries and innumerable observers and other pa
Originally published in English in 1927, this study discusses the physical differences between men and women and how this affected the views of men and women of society. With all known information at
This edited volume with selected papers from extinguished experts and professors in the field of learning technology and the related fields who are far-sighted and have his/her own innovative thoughts