Jane A. Van Galen (EDT)/ George W. Noblit (EDT)/ Michael W. Apple (FRW)
Matthew Knoester (EDT)/ Michael W. Apple (FRW)
Michael W. Apple (EDT)/ Wayne Au (EDT)/ Luis Armando Gandin (EDT)
Stewart Riddle (EDT)/ Michael W. Apple (EDT)
Verma, Rita (Professor of Education, Adelphi University),Apple, Michael W. (University of Wisconsin, USA)
;Sanjakdar, Fida (Monash University, Australia),Apple, Michael W. (University of Wisconsin, USA)
Carlos Alberto Torres/ Michael W. Apple (FRW)/ Pedro Demo (AFT)
Dave Hill (EDT)/ Peter McLaren (EDT)/ Mike Cole (EDT)/ Glenn Rikowski (EDT)/ Michael W. Apple (CON)
Edited by Michael W. Apple、Stephen J. Ball and Luis Armando Gandin
Eugene F. Provenzo/ Michael W. Apple (FRW)
Hank Bromley (EDT)/ Michael W. Apple (EDT)
Helen M. Gunter (EDT)/ David Hall (EDT)/ Michael W. Apple (EDT)
James A. Beane (EDT)/ Michael W. Apple (EDT)
Landon E. Beyer (EDT)/ Michael W. Apple (EDT)
Leonel Lim (EDT)/ Michael W. Apple (EDT)
Leonel Lim, Michael W. Apple
Michael W. Apple/ Leonel Lim