Most sales professionals make the mistake of using the same sales patterns over and over. But since all customers are different, true pros know they must tailor their methods to the buyer if they want
Kayla Miller, the New York Times bestselling author-illustrator of the Click graphic novel series and coauthor of the Besties series, returns with a new Olive story! Olive’s hopes for a relaxing two weeks at Camp Acorn Lake are challenged when two of her friends stop speaking to each other.A storm is brewing—in the skies and in Olive’s friend group. Olive is excited to reunite with Max and Bree at Camp Acorn Lake, but the buses have barely pulled away when her two closest camp friends start fighting…and it’s not just a little squabble. They refuse to speak to each other and, even worse, try to make Olive choose sides. Any attempt to smooth things over seems to aggravate them more, leaving Olive stuck in the middle. With Willow enjoying her busy activity and social schedule, Olive has no choice but to spend most of her time with unhappy first-time camper, Nat. It’s far from the fun-filled, sun-filled summer she had planned. Luckily, Olive is able to distract herself with a new
♦ One of New York Public Library's Best Books of 2024.♦ A New York Times Bestseller♦ A National Indie Bestseller♦ New York Times for Kids pick♦ Amazon Best Book of the Month♦ Junior Library Guild selection♦ Indie Next pick《紐約時報》暢銷作家與藝術家香奈兒·米勒帶來一個溫馨又充滿趣味的故事,講述十歲的「襪子偵探」吳木蘭,決心找回遺落在父母紐約洗衣店裡的每一隻孤單襪子。在紐約高樓林立的街道下,木蘭坐在洗衣店裡,將每隻失落的襪子釘在公告板上,希望顧客前來領回。但似乎沒有人注意到這些襪子,甚至沒人注意到她。她不知道的是,這將是她最精彩的夏天。當來自加州的新朋友愛莉絲出現時,她們踏遍全城,穿梭於地鐵、熟食店、花店和披薩店,尋找遺失襪子的秘密,遇見形形色色的人,揭開意想不到的故事。在每一次邂逅中,木蘭逐漸明白,只要勇敢探索未知,生命便會悄然有序。New York Times bestselling author and artist Chanel Miller tells a fun, funny, and poignant story of friendship and community starring Magnolia Wu, a ten-year-old sock detective bent on returning all the lonely only socks left behind in her parents' NYC laundromat.Down at the bottom of the tall buildings of New York City, Magnolia Wu sits inside her parents’ laundromat. She has pinned every lost sock from the laundromat onto a bulletin board, in hopes that customers will return to retrieve them. But no one