;Mohamed, Wael, MD, PhD (Assistant Professor, Basic Medical Science Dept., Medical School, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan Campus, Pahang, Malaysia)
;Hussain El Kenawy, Ahmed Mohammed (Assistant Professor of Climatology, Mansour University, Egypt),Mohamed Robaa, El Sayed (Professor of Environmental and Atmospheric Physics, Chairman of the Astronom
;Koubaa, Mohamed (Assistant Professor, Ecole Superieure de Chimie Organique et Minerale, Compiegne, France),Mitri, Sara (PhD candidate, Process Engineering, University of Technology of Compiegne, Fran
Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed (Professor and Chief Technology Advisor at Uberbinder Limited),Maisa El (Assistant Professor in the Environmental Science Department Gamal College of Natural and Health Science
Krit, Salah-ddine (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Informatics, and Management, Ibn Zohr University, Morocco),Elhoseny, Mohamed (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computers and Information,
Singh, Krishna Kant (Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, India),Elhoseny, Mohamed (Assistant Professor, College of Computer Info
Most of the business sectors consider the Digital Twin concept as the next big thing in the industry. A current state analysis of their digital counterparts helps in the prediction of the future of ph