這本書帶來一個清晰又緊迫的警告,告訴我們快速發展的科技浪潮如何對全球秩序構成前所未有的風險,以及我們該如何在還有機會時設法控制它們。作者是DeepMind的共同創辦人穆斯塔法·蘇萊曼,這家領先的人工智慧公司如今隸屬於Google。想像一下,只需2萬美元就能買到的DNA合成機,讓任何人都能製造並釋放致命病毒;或是一段無法偵測的深偽影片,讓總統在選舉前夕被誤以為發表種族歧視言論;又或者恐怖分子囤積能自主決定開火時機的武器。這些場景不是科幻,而是我們可能面對的未來。蘇萊曼揭示,科技進步速度之快、風險之廣,正顛覆人類長久以來「以權換安全」的社會契約。如果我們不採取果斷行動,未來可能在技術專制與社會崩潰之間掙扎。《浪潮將至》深入剖析這場科技超浪潮,並提出解決危機的路徑,這是我們時代無法迴避的挑戰!A stark and urgent warning on the unprecedented risks that a wave of fast-developing technologies poses to global order, and how we might contain them while we have the chance—from a cofounder of the pioneering AI company DeepMindImagine a world in which anyone with a $20,000 desktop DNA synthesizer could develop and unleash a deadly virus. Imagine an undetectable deepfake video of a U.S. president making a racial slur racing across the internet on the eve of an election. Imagine terrorists or paramilitaries stockpiling autonomous weapons designed to make their own decisions about when to engage.As cofounder of DeepMind, the pioneering AI compa