The story of whales and the whalers who followed them is inextricably tied with Long Island's rich maritime history. Before the Long Island Expressway, strip malls, golf clubs, and suburban sprawl, ca
In a widely acclaimed expose, a former Wall Street insider reveals how business executives and politicians schemed their way to the bank.Critical, independent voices are seldom found within the citad
Critical, independent voices are seldom found within the citadels of international finance. That's what makes Nomi Prins unique. During fifteen years in the upper flights of banks like Goldman Sachs,
This mesmerizing historical novel captures the swirl of New York City's greed, power, romance and desperation on the cusp of the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929 and Great Depression, eerily mirroring
From a former Wall Street insider and author of All the Presidents' Bankers, a searing exposé of the collusion between public and private banks as they seek to control global markets and dictate eco
In this searing exposé, former Wall Street insider Nomi Prins shows how the 2007-2008 financial crisis turbo-boosted the influence of central bankers and triggered a massive shift in the world order.C
Poetry. Middle Eastern Studies. KILL CLASS is based on Nomi Stone's two years of fieldwork in mock Middle Eastern villages at military bases across the United States. The speaker in these poems, an an