Graham (Emeritus Professor of History of Psychology Richards Staffordshire University UK),Paul Stenner
Keith Richards、Steven John Ross and Paul Seedhouse
Thq (COR)/ Joe Madureira (CON)/ Paul Richards (CON)
Brian Richards (EDT)/ Michael H. Daller (EDT)/ David D. Malvern (EDT)/ Paul Meara (EDT)/ James Milton (EDT)
Curzon, Leslie B./ Richards, Paul H.
Erwin Bulte/ Paul Richards/ Maarten Voors
Fradgley, Jane,Cordle, Hannah,Carson, Jerome,Holloway, Frank,Richards, Paul
Hanje Richards/ Paul Froiland
James Bennett-Levy (EDT)/ David A. Richards (EDT)/ Paul Farrand (EDT)/ Helen Christensen (EDT)/ Kathleen M. Griffiths (EDT)
Justin Richards; Mark Morris; George Mann; Paul Finch
Keiiti Aki/ Paul G. Richards
Keith R. Solomon (EDT)/ Theo C. M. Brock (EDT)/ D. De Zwart (EDT)/ Scott Dyer (EDT)/ Leo Posthuma (EDT)/ Sean M. Richards (EDT)/ Hans Sanderson (EDT)/ Paul Sibley (EDT)/ Paul Van den Brink (E
Keith Richards (EDT)/ Paul Seedhouse (EDT)
Larry Richards/ Paul Gross (ILT)
Michael D. Richards (Sweet Briar College),Paul R. Waibel (Belhaven College)
Paul Liss,George Richards