This fourth installment in the hilarious and highly illustrated full-color Superpower Field Guide series features Olenka, an ordinary eel. Olenka may be slimy, wiggly, and the color of mud, but never,
Funny and fact-filled, Moles is another installment in the Superpower Field Guide series by author Rachel Poliquin, featuring full-color illustrations by Nicholas John Frith that will engage readers w
In this hilarious new graphic non-fiction series, a savvy cockroach shares wise tips and tricks to surviving an encounter with a charming predator who may (or may not) want to be your friend.Celeste i
From sixteenth-century cabinets of wonders to contemporary animal art, The Breathless Zoo: Taxidermy and the Cultures of Longing examines the cultural and poetic history of preserving animals in livel
This third installment in the hilarious and highly-illustrated full-color Superpower Field Guide series features the silly-looking, surprisingly fierce Ostrich. This two-toed torpedo may have the larg
This fourth installment in the hilarious and highly illustrated full-color Superpower Field Guide series features Olenka, an ordinary eel. Olenka may be slimy, wiggly, and the color of mud, but never,
With unique fish-like tails, chainsaw teeth, a pungent musk, and astonishing building skills, beavers are unlike any other creature in the world. Not surprisingly, the extraordinary beaver has played
Beavers, the first book in the new middle-grade nonfiction Superhero Field Guide series by Rachel Poliquin and award-winning illustrator Nicholas John Frith, is a delightfully informative, laugh-out-l
蟑螂滿心期待的下午茶時間迎來了不速之客-鬣狗。她發揮豐富的知識帶你認識這危險的肉食掠食者,根據鬣狗真實的習性,爆笑提出躲避鬣狗的方法,一邊享受下午茶還能全身而退。全彩讀本。The second book in a hilarious illustrated non-fiction chapter book series starring a savvy and stylish cockroach who guides the reader through an encounter with a charming -- and dangerous -- predator. Is this hyena drooling for tea and crumpets . . . or for you? Celeste is a cockroach, and everyone knows that cockroaches are survivors, so who better to give advice on surviving an encounter with a polite predator? High teas are dainty meals with pretty teacups: you nibble tiny cakes, sip milky tea and chit-chat about not-so important things like why doughnuts have holes and if fish have eyebrows. But Ruby the hyena is loud, ferocious and tends to slober. High-speed gobbling makes good sense in the wild, but it is a definite no-no in the tearoom And Ruby just happens to be Queen of a very large clan of hungry hyenas. Will high tea be ruined by uninvited guests? Is Ruby peckish for something other than
This book asks children: If you're given a list of features and characteristics, can you guess which animal they make? This might seem easy enough. But solving the puzzles in this book is deviously, o
This third installment in the hilarious and highly-illustrated full-color Superpower Field Guide series features the silly-looking, surprisingly fierce Ostrich. This two-toed torpedo may have the larg
Funny and fact-filled, MOLES is another installment in the SUPERPOWER FIELD GUIDES series by author Rachel Poliquin, featuring full-color illustrations by Nicholas John Frith that
Beavers, the first book in the new middle-grade nonfiction Superhero Field Guide series by Rachel Poliquin and award-winning illustrator Nicholas John Frith, is a delightfully informative, laugh-out-l