This novel is the final publication of the Chilean filmmaker and author Raul Ruiz (1941-2011), who died last year, and who put the finishing touches to this book a few days before his death. Here, Rui
This book is about how to integrate full-stack open source big data architecture and how to choose the correct technology—Scala/Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra, and Kafka—in every layer. Big data archi
CRISPR in Animals and Animal Models, Volume 152, the latest release in the Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science series, explores the genome editing CRISPR system in cells and animal
Both a prelude and a continuation to Paul Ruiz's film, Treasure Island, made in 1984, this text presents itself as the follow up, or rather, a pursuit of Robert Louis Stevenson's novel. A formidable e