對身處遠離其目標語言之國家的母語教師來說,所在地特定文化帶來的衝擊,經常使其教學理念難以落實,或因此無法取得預期學習成果,這在西歐以外的語言地區尤其明顯。藉由跨文化溝通及其技巧的學習,雖有助於母語教師認識在地文化,並稍加了解當地學習者的學習狀況,但仍顯不足;惟有透過教學現場直接經驗導出的觀念與作法,始能產出符合期待的教學績效。本書描述台灣地區以德語作為第二外語教學之德語教師所面臨的困境,嘗試提出可提升德語學習成效的建議。我們假設:文化回應教學法(CRT)可提供適當解方,使德語教學更有效率並具效能。如何界定台灣地區大學之德語學習者的學習情形呢? 我們以G. Hofstede 及 E. Hall的文化維度理論為基礎,針對選修「跨文化溝通」課程者進行為期3年的問卷調查研究,分析其結果所得到的相關趨勢,應有助於德語課程設計的再優化。本研究成果之參用對象不限於德語教師或其他外語授課教師,少子化趨勢及持續增加的外來移民,促使語言學習者的文化背景更趨多元,由自身文化所形塑的學習經驗勢將影響其外語學習成效,而在面對班級成員組成日趨多元的未來,各領域教師應備有新的因應之道。本書所選擇數個在德國及台灣的實際案例,可運用為面對當前教育趨勢及政策回應之參考。受文化制約的學習行為目前雖已被大量地以包括「包容」、「移民」及「多元」等議題加以處理,然這類做法仍不免有其侷限亦缺乏效益。本書著重討論教師在面對多元文化班級時所遭遇挑戰,並建議結合文化回應教學法的作法與目標以為因應。Muttersprachliche Lehrkräfte sehen sich im zielsprachenfernen Ausland mit kulturspezifischen Einflüssen konfrontiert, die zu Schwierigkeiten bei der Umsetzung von Lehrkonzepten führen können oder nicht den gewünschten Lernerfolg erbringen. Dies gilt besonders für Sprachräume außerhalb des westlich-europäischen Umfelds. Ein besseres Verständnis der fremdkulturellen
This important contribution to choice theory examines two theories of motivation and two kinds of explanation of behavior that they support.Originally published in 1984.The Princeton Legacy Library us
This important contribution to choice theory examines two theories of motivation and two kinds of explanation of behavior that they support.Originally published in 1984.The Princeton Legacy Library us
The federal budget impacts American policies both at home and abroad, and recent concern over the exploding budgetary deficit has experts calling our nation's policies "unsustainable" and "system-doom
Traces the evolution of role-playing games, describes over 1250 individual game systems, recommends systems and products, lists award-winning games, and offers advice for collectors
This is an important new book about human motivation, about the reasons people have for their actions. What is distinctively new about it is its focus on how people see or understand their situations, options, and prospects. By taking account of people's understandings (along with their beliefs and desires), Professor Schick is able to expand the current theory of decision and action. The author provides a perspective on the topic by outlining its history. He defends his new theory against criticism, considers its formal structure, and shows at length how it resolves many currently debated problems: the problems of conflict and weakness of will, Allais' problem, Kahneman and Tversky's problems, Newcomb's problem, and others. The book will be of special interest to philosophers, psychologists, and economists.