Stanton, John (Senior Lecturer in Law at The City Law School, City, University of London, Senior Lecturer in Law at The City Law School, City, University of London, City University)
Adrian (Emeritus Professor of Law Keane The City Law School City University of London),Paul (Associate Professor of Law McKeown The City Law School City University of London)
Armando (Lisbon School of Law Rocha Portugal)
Caf Dowlah (University of Miami Law School)
Cassandra (Senior Lecturer Wiener The City Law School City University of London)
Choragudi, Rahul (Institute of Public Policy, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, India.),Pellissery, Sony,Jayaram, N. (N. Jayaram, Visiting Professor, National Law School of India Un
Christopher (School of Law Chen Singapore Management University)
Cohen, I. Glenn (Harvard Law School, Massachusetts),Minssen, Timo (University of Copenhagen),Price II, W. Nicholson (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor),Robertson, Christopher (Boston University),Shac
Daniel (MBA Friberg Gothenburg School of Business Economics and Law)
Dari-Mattiacci, Giuseppe (Alfred W. Bressler Professor of Law, Alfred W. Bressler Professor of Law, Columbia Law School, USA),Kehoe, Dennis P. (Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities (Classical
Deb, Sibnath (Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, India),Subhalakshmi, G. (School of Law, Pondicherry University, India)
Emily (University of London Allbon City Law School),Sanmeet Kaur Dua
Federico (Full Professor of European Law Fabbrini Full Professor of European Law School of Law and Government Dublin City University)
Ingeborg (Dean; Professor Emerita Schwenzer Dean; Professor Emerita Swiss International Law School; University of Basel)
Jacqueline R. (Emeritus Professor of Brandeis School of Law Kanovitz USA),Jefferson L. Ingram,Christopher J. Devine
Jeong-Oh Kim (Yonsei Law School),Hak Tai Kim (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies),Joon-Seok Park (Jeonbuk National University),Dong-Ryong Shin (Kangwon National University)
John Henry Merryman (Stanford University Law School),Stephen K. Urice (University of Miami School of Law),Simon J. (Stanford University Frankel California)
Jon O. Newman (US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit),Marin K. (Duke University School of Law Levy North Carolina)
Joshua D. (University of California Blank Irvine),Ari Glogower (Northwestern Pritzker School of Law)
Julie Stone (Columbia University Peters Columbia University School of Law and Queen Mary University of London School of Law)