Ever since the discovery of Marx's Early Writings, most of the literature concerned with Marx's intellectual development has centred around the so-called gap between the 'young' Marx, who was considered to be a humanist thinker, and the 'older' Marx, who was held to be a determinist with little concern for anything outside his narrow theory of historical materialism. Dr Avineri claims that such a gap between the 'young' and 'older' Marx did not exist. He supports his claim by a detailed study of the whole corpus of Marx's writing on social and political thought.
This study in English of Hegel's political philosophy presents an overall view of the development of Hegel's political thinking. The author has drawn on Hegel's philosophical works, his political tracts and his personal correspondence. Professor Avineri shows that although Hegel is primarily thought of as a philosopher of the state, he was much concerned with social problems and his concept of the state must be understood in this context.
The first biography in more than a generation of the father of modern political Zionism and in effect the state of Israel.The first biography in almost a generation of the founder of modern political
The first biography in more than a generation of the father of modern political Zionism and in effect the state of Israel.The first biography in almost a generation of the founder of modern political
An expanded edition of a classic intellectual history of Zionism, now covering the rise of religious Zionism since the 1970sFor eighteen centuries pious Jews had prayed for the return to Jerusalem, bu
Theodor Herzl had been a successful Viennese journalist and a less successful playwright with no political ambitions. That changed in 1896, when he publishedThe Jewish State. The following year he con
This volume is the most up-to-date collection of essays on the nature of the individual self and its relationship to society. It raises such questions such as: can we understand human behavior without