This illuminating view of how women understand and process the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous explores such essential topics as spirituality, powerlessness, and the emergence of a woman's sense
Ripped from the pages of his New York Times bestselling Family Business series, Carl Weber brings you No More Mr. Nice Guy, the origin of Niles Monroe, the super-bad hitman who will one day become Par
Ripped from the pages of his New York Times best-selling novel To Paris with Love, Carl Weber brings readersNo More Mr. Nice Guy, the story of Niles Monroe, the super-bad hit man who will one day beco
Ripped from the pages of his New York Times bestselling novel To Paris with Love, Carl Weber brings you No More Mr. Nice Guy, the story of Niles Monroe, the super-bad hitman who will one day b
Written for those who will be facilitating the therapeutic intervention Beyond Anger and Violence program, this Facilitator's Guide contains an overall description of the Beyond Anger and Violence pro
Women's recovery can differ from men's, and each person's recovery is in many ways unique. That's why Stephanie Covington has designed this workbook to help a woman find her own path-and find it in t
Describing her struggle as a black woman with an eatingdisorder that is consistently portrayed as a white woman's problem, this insightful and moving narrative traces the background and factors
Ejercicios para usar al lado del libro La Mujer Y Su Practica de los Doce Pasos (los dos específicamente para mujeres) ofrecen una perspectiva femenina del programa de los Doce pasos,