In this powerful audio book, Stephen M.R. Covey articulates why trust has become the key leadership competency of the new global economy. Covey convincingly makes the case that trust is a measurable a
生物張力共構的演算法 (The biotensegrity algorithm)如果我們將所有胞內、胞外及每分每秒在我們體內發生的生物活動通通加總起來,其總額將是不可計數的。如此龐大的活動同時進行,當中出錯的比例想必是非常高,失誤必然發生。這種情況下一定需要一個控制者,一個控管一切的規章來讓所有程序按照步驟執行並排除那些不可避免的誤差。當建造一座建築物,引導的演算法便是地心引力,一個決定著什麼樣的結構能夠存在於此建築物中的外力。設計及建造過程中的錯誤一定要勤奮的去排除,畢竟它們無法自我修復。額外備案也被納入設計圖中,以備在建材失效而破碎時有得以替換的選項。相對的,引導生物體自我組成的演算法是內建的,且各生物體間使用的設計也不盡相同。他們是持續演化,並且含有組織階層性的生物,隨著環境的情況改變而快速地自我調適,並在出現問題時得以自我修復。在這求生存的動力驅使下,他們竭力以最優雅省力達到最大變化為訴求來進行上述活動。在我訓練成為骨科醫師的期間,這建築物及生物體間本質上的不同在當時還不被廣泛的認可。我當時被教導使用地心引力當作所有包含姿勢分析、手術選擇及運動處方等項目的基本原則,來處理身體的機械力學問題。有意或無意間的,地心引力主導著我的每個決定。然而,到了某個時間點,我的臨床經驗、大學新生物理學及常識等等,都引領著我去懷疑過往使用地心引力法則建造摩天大樓這種理論是錯的。在研究梁龍的脖子、蝴蝶、鳥類、在樹上擺盪的猴子、恐龍及大樹懶的腳、微生物彼此的排列,以及各式各樣形形色色的人類之後,我越發清晰地了解到地心引力並非生物界中的核心準則,另一個截然不同的演算法才是當家主。如同地心引力造就建築物一樣,我找尋著造就生命體的共通組織性力量,而我也發現到生命體必須要使用一個與地心引力互相獨立的三維「空間框架」作為其核心的支撐。一個空間框架是一個經由工程建造的構造,而其框架被設計以整合性單元來表現,並透過互相鑲嵌的三角形分配負荷。在框架之中,彎曲的負荷透過張力或是壓迫力沿著每個樁傳遞,我便開始了對於「生物空間框架 (biological space frame)」的探索。如此一個框架必須要擁有在大海、天空中、陸地上,或是在外太空都保有功能性,並且可以在右側朝上傾斜甚至是整個倒轉過來時,皆不仰賴任何外力來維持自身的結構完整性。在 1974 年我觀摩了在華盛頓特區赫須巨集博物館中 Snel
The Israel Lobby,” by John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen M. Walt of Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, was one of the most controversial articles in
Why does inequality have such a hold on American society and public policy? And what can we, as citizens, do about it? Inequality in America takes an in-depth look at race, class and gender-based ineq
From the New York Times–bestselling author Stephen M. Walt, The Hell of Good Intentions dissects the faults and foibles of recent American foreign policy—explaining why it has been plagued by disaster
USS Nevada (BB-36) was America's first modern battleship. When her keel was laid in 1912, kings and emperors still ruled much of the world. When she finally slipped beneath the waves in 1948, America
The Unfinished Revolution compares the post-Second World War histories of the American and British gay and lesbian movements with an eye toward understanding how distinct political institutional environments affect the development, strategies, goals, and outcomes of a social movement. Stephen M. Engel utilizes an electic mix of source materials ranging from the theories of Mancur Olson and Michel Foucault to Supreme Court rulings and film and television dialogue. The two case study chapters function as brief historical sketches to elucidate further the conclusions on theory and whilst being politically-oriented, they also examine gay influence and expansion into mainstream popular culture. The book also includes an appendix that surveys and assesses the analytical potential of five critical understandings of social movements: the classical approach, rational choice, resource mobilization, new social movement theories, and political opportunity structures. It will be of value to