Explains the three branches of the federal government--legislative, executive, and judicial--and how they work, a complex process presented in interesting terms that young readers can comprehend. Orig
"For a simple, straightforward explanation of the election process, this book is hard to beat."The Boston Herald This updated, easy-to-read book for children explains the federal system as it
By 1787, the leaders of AmericaA's 13 newly-created states that had just won their independence from Britain convened to draw up the Constitution of the United States. However, citizens of many of th
All elementary school students learn about the history of the U.S. Constitution when they begin social studies. This book tells them about the great American document itself--explaining exactly what t
Explains the history and process of electing a president of the United States, and provides facts about presidents, first ladies and campaigns. Original.
Young readers will be fascinated by attention-catching facts as they read about major presidential campaigns, from George Washington's election in 1789 to Barack Obama's victories in 2008 and 2012. Qu
A fine classroom supplement and a solid information source for kids writing social studies reports, this book explains the federal system as it works today, more than two hundred years after the fram
All elementary school students learn about the history of the U.S. Constitution when they first begin social studies. This book is different. It tells boys and girls about the great American document
Much that we all thought we knew about U.S. presidential elections went out the window with the historic Bush-Gore campaign of 2000. But that wasn't the only unusual election in United States history