Taking a unique nuts-and-bolts approach, the concise CALIFORNIA POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT: A PRACTICAL APPROACH, 11E, gives students insight into real-life politics as it vividly illustrates the comple
Along with the surprising news that the mayor of Beverly Hills, California makes $7,858 per year but the city manager of the same locale makes $240,000, Christensen (political science, San Jose State
Taking a unique nuts-and-bolts approach, CALIFORNIA POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT gives insight into real-life politics as it vividly illustrates the complex principles at work in state government. Current
Examines the relationship between American politics and films of all types in a decade-by-decade survey that covers films from "Birth of a Nation" to "The Day After Tomorrow."
The new edition of this influential work updates and expands the scope of the original, including more sustained analyses of individual films, fromThe Birth of a Nation to The Wolf of Wall Street. An
Created through a "student-tested, faculty-approved" review process with input from more than 200 students and faculty, GOVT3 CALIFORNIA is an engaging and accessible solution to accommodate the diver