This interesting volume on labor and economic theory explores the implications of the use of unfree labor in mature capitalist systems. Arguing against traditional Marxist positions that fully realize
Labor Regime Change in the Twenty-First Century sets as its task to assess the validity, in light of current economic development, of the epistemology structuring different historical interpretations
Tracing the way in which the agrarian myth has emerged and re-emerged over the past century in ideology shared by populism, postmodernism and the political right, the argument in this book is that at
Many works about agragarian change in the Third World assumes that unfree relations are to be eliminated in the course of capitalist development. This text argues that the incidence of bonded labour i
The reviews, review essays and essays collected in this book examine the shift of development studies debate about labour markets and identity from the Third World to how they affect metropolitan capi
Support for a radical politics and its form of political mobilization exists, but in the absence of a revolutionary leftist project, this support has in the past, and is currently, been transferred t
The essays in this collection focus on the reasons for and background to the emergence during the 1980s of the new farmers' movements in India. In addition to a more general consideration of the econo
A festschrift celebrating the 60th birthday of Journal of Peasant Studies founder, T.J. Byres. Contains nine contributions addressing such topics as the comparative political economy of agrarian trans